A Scribes Holly-Day Special!

DECEMBER 20, 2024– Today the Dandelion Scribes honor our beloved local librarian, Mrs. Holly Daugherty.

Mrs. Holly is the Director of Programs for children & adults at McCreary County Public Library, and she truly embodies the holiday spirit each and every day with her passionate, enthusiastic, and dedicated work in support of our local community. We have all been blessed to know her, learn from her, and be embraced by her never-ending warmth & encouragement!

Here are a few odes to Mrs. Holly, as we declare this day in December a new national Holly-Day! Thank you, Mrs. Holly, for all you do for us! You are our hero, and we love you so much!

We wouldn’t be here without you. You make us all feel seen and heard and held and loved.

Featuring poetry by:

Angelia Ross
Olivia Gilreath
Chris Boyatt
Olivia Immitt
Amber Sparks
Karen Gilreath
Cheyanne Leonardo
Cari Lynne King
Jospeh Thomas Baker

Photos courtesy of McCreary County Public Library.


by Angelia Ross

Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!
Three cheers for Mrs. Holly.
She’s nice, kind, rosy, and cheery.
She’s a librarian at the
McCreary County Public Library,
And she knows how to keep
Adults and kids busy with fun –
Arts and crafts, a book club, too.
Oh, and coloring pages galore.
She even hosted Open Mic Night,
During which many talented musicians
And poets were discovered.
And so to thank her for all
Of her hard work,
Plus, putting up with all of us,
I declare the twentieth of December
Mrs. Holly Day.

by Olivia Gilreath

In the quiet halls of learning, where stories come alive,
Mrs. Holly, our friend, stands with a heart that helps us thrive.
She tells stories at schools, with a smile so warm and bright,
Bringing tales of wonder, filling young minds with light.
I remember the first time, back in first grade's tender days,
She read us a story, in her gentle, caring ways.
Her voice was like a melody, each word a precious gem,
And in that moment, I knew, she was a guiding friend.
So here's to Mrs. Holly, with gratitude so true,
For all the joy and knowledge, and magic that you share,
Thank you for the kindness, you bring to us all.
You show how much you care in the world of books and stories.

by Chris Boyatt

She gives books and stories and crafts and toys
of course

But, oh, does she give so much more!

With a sparkle in her eye,

friendship and
a listening ear.

And the biggest and most
beautiful thing of all
she gives her heart.

Full of love in
she does!

She loves the library.
She loves the community.
She loves her family
and that includes her dog!

She loves God.

And she gives this love
so freely
to us all.

by Olivia Immitt

Mrs. Holly –

The complete opposite of the holly tree.

You would not want to hug a holly tree.

But Mrs. Holly?

She gives the sweetest of hugs.

For as she hugs you, you feel
her unconditional love for all.

What a gift she is to this world.

by Amber Sparks

Christlike (adj).

1: A woman who cultivates the fruits of the spirit. Who plants those fruit seeds all around her community. Who waters them and watches them grow.

2: An act of courage to embrace a broken-hearted teenager when so many others turned their backs. To stand up for what was right. To choose to restore faith and hope among lies and deceit.

see also: Mrs. Holly

Compassionate (adj).

1: Someone who always has a listening ear.

2: Someone with hugs warm as a summer’s day. That can chase away the chill of winter.

see also: Mrs. Holly

Joyful (adj).

1: A radiant light. A dazzling smile. An infectious personality.

2: She is the warm hues painting over a world of black and white. Sunshine through the clouds.

3: A laughter that spreads through synapses turning frowns upside down.

see also: Mrs. Holly

Love (n).

1: But also the verb. She is both the embodiment and the action.

2: We are all loved like her own.

see also: Mrs. Holly

Pillar (n).

1: Someone the community could not live without. Who holds up literacy. Holds up education. Holds up creativity. Holds us up and holds us together.

2: Someone the Dandelion Scribes could not live without. Who hosts our events. Who celebrates us and cheers the loudest. Who takes care of the details so we can share our voice. Who gives us a safe space to congregate. Who holds us up so we can reach for the stars.

3: Someone I could not live without. A mentor. A hero. A friend like family.

see also: Mrs. Holly

Selfless (adj).

1: The first to offer a helping hand and the last to leave when the work is done.

2: Time devoted to raising community children. If it takes a village, she is the leader.

3: So many sacrifices that don’t go unnoticed. That mean more than she’ll ever know.

4: She would give you the sweater off her back, and knit you an extra, just in case.

see also: Mrs. Holly

by Karen Gilreath

H is for the harmony she creates each day
O is for the optimism she brings on her way
L is for the love she genuinely gives
L is for the laughter and smile that’s real
Y is for the youthful spirit she makes us feel

We are thankful for you Holly and all that you do,
for being so kind and for just being you.

by Anonymous

When I stood alone, Mrs. Holly said,
I’ll always be your friend.
When I needed help, Mrs. Holly said,
I have a hand to lend.
When I felt forgotten, Mrs. Holly said,
You are welcome here.
When I was afraid, Mrs. Holly said,
You have nothing to fear!
When I hoped for a place, Mrs. Holly said,
I have a room for you.
When I was hungry, Mrs. Holly said,
Here’s a snack– take two!
When I wished to succeed, Mrs. Holly said,
I will cheer you on.
When I wanted to cry, Mrs. Holly said,
This storm won’t last long.
When I lost my faith, Mrs. Holly said,
There’s a plan for us.
When I couldn’t see, Mrs. Holly said,
I will hold you up.
When I looked down, Mrs. Holly said,
You’re ready to rise above.
When I saw the light, Mrs. Holly said,
You are held in love.

by Cheyanne Leonardo & Cari Lynne King

Find her among the
shelves, searching
for that perfect book–

the story I needed
to remind me who I am,
what strength I came from.

A beacon of light,
of hope, guiding
little footsteps
to a brighter

Leading with love, she holds
the lantern and reveals
a world where dreams weave
into reality.

A world where I become
myself, over and over
again and she is always there

beaming and proud.


*Note: This final poem was submitted by Allison Baker on behalf of her late father, Joseph Thomas Baker. We have included it here because we believe Mrs. Holly lives ‘the real meaning of Christmas’ day in and day out, all year round. Through her work at McCreary County Public Library, Mrs. Holly practices her commitment to uplifting everyone in our community, and is a true ‘blessing sent from heaven.’

I've seen a lot of Christmases
And the best ones of all
Is when the children still
Believe in Santa Claus

There's nothing any sweeter
Than the smile on a child's face
And it always seems much brighter
On Christmas Day

Out showing off their toys
Playing in the snow
Amazed at what they got
Was what they wanted most

I believe the real meaning
Of what Christmas is
A blessing sent from heaven
And precious little kids

Christmas is the time of year
The deepest thoughts shine through
And I hope this Christmas
Is a merry one for you



Wishing you – and all our readers –

a very happy Holly-Day!


With endless love & gratitude,

the Dandelion Scribes


Kristen Reid publishes debut poetry collection, “Changeling”


Celebrate the Holidays with Hometown Poems!